Organic Digestive Blend
Organic Digestive Blend
🌿Gentian Root: Stimulates all the digestive enzymes, as well as the immune system, and helps to regulate the bowels.
🌿Ginger Root: It is extremely important that nutrients get to where they need to go and wastes move out efficiently. This herb does just that.
🌿Astragalus Root: Goes deeper into the digestive system while supporting the immune system which are closely linked. Breaks down food correctly while assimilating nutrients.
🌿Yellow Dock Root: Cleansing through the liver and blood purifying. Keeps everything moving and stimulates bile production.
Above is the link to more amazing benefits of digestive bitters and herbs.
Ingreditents: Organic herbs of astragalus root, yellow dock root, ginger root and gentian root, GF Alcohol