Hi! My name is Stephanie and I am so glad that you're here!
I am a wife to Nathan, mama to eight children and I have the privilege of homeschooling, plus having six homebirths.
I am passionate about helping people with their health and wellness through natural methods.
I love to educate people on how to take control of their health through plant medicine, healing foods and adjunct therapies.
I am a mama who questions things; researching and looking for answers, being resourceful about how I treat our family medically at home and to have optimal quality of life.
Please feel free to fill out your information on the contact page if you need any advice on products pretaining to your specific health concerns and wellness goals, or any questions in general.
Thank you and I hope you find health and healing!

Organic Rehmannia
Top 50 Adaptogen
Immunomodulatory, Stress Support, Antiinflammatory, Hormone Regulating, Youth, Vitality, Anti-Aging, Mineral Rich

No. 9 Organic Hair Oil
Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp - length, strength, shine, growth, split end repair